The Hated One
The Hated One
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Why you shouldn't believe the AI extinction lie
They warn us that future artificial intelligence will wipe out humanity. This may be a lie with ulterior motives.
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There is a powerful motivation to keep you thinking that AI is an existential threat. That we should treat it with the same level of urgency as a nuclear war or a global pandemic.
And yet, we shouldn’t stop developing AI. We should accelerate it as fast as we can. As long as it’s the select few good guys that get to control it. We must not let AI fall into wrong hands.
But there is a growing opposition to this movement. A conflict is arising. There is those that want to keep AI closed off and tightly controlled and those that want to leave it open and accessible to all. Even though both sides claim they are doing for humanity, only of them is right. This is an arms race for who gets to dominate AI development and who will be left out.
Music by White Bat Audio
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The footage and images featured in the video were for critical analysis, commentary and parody, which are protected under the Fair Use laws of the United States Copyright act of 1976.
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  • @ryanlillie8469
    @ryanlillie8469 21 годину тому

    Any time any government legislation is fast tracked is never positive for freedom. "Preventing children from working, we should think hard about this." "Tiktok spreading actual news information that isn't controlled by US propaganda, legislation passed in a week"

  • @BirdLopers
    @BirdLopers 21 годину тому

    Thank-you for your insightful counter-argument re. AI being a prioriy-1-exclusive threat to humanity, whereas the threat is actually & always HOW YOU USE THE ROCK. Sisters, brothers, the Truth Will Out.

  • @Alice_Fumo
    @Alice_Fumo 21 годину тому

    Existential risk arguments aligning with financial interests of AGI labs does not make the arguments raised by AGI labs void by default. And in most of the cases its really not in the financial interest of anyone to call the tech they're working on an "existential risk" Like what, its in their interest to summon large protests to their headquarters if they get taken seriously or to get AGI development outlawed entirely? It should be noted, that as anyone else arguing against existential risk, this video did address exactly 0 arguments made. Dang, climate change arguments align with the financial interests of big solar panel, so clearly they're just lying to sell more of their "clean" solar power. Dang, arguments of nuclear war being dangerous aligns with the financial interests of big oil, so clearly they'd be lying about any arguments made about nuclear proliferation being dangerous. Dang, arguments of pandemics being dangerous aligns with the financial interests of big vaccine, so clearly they are entirely and UNDENIABLY LYING about any risk posed by pandemics. None of this is to say that regulatory capture could likely be a very bad problem. I wonder what Meta is doing here. Their lobbying expenses rival that of Amazon, who greatly outspends Google, who greatly outspends Microsoft. Wouldn't it stand to reason they are lobbying for the open source side? My interests align with AI being as open as possible btw. I build a lot of stuff with open models.

  • @bappysani
    @bappysani 22 години тому

    Hi, if you have Odysee Channel too, let me know. I h a t e UA-cam personally.

  • @neanda
    @neanda 22 години тому

    how in dafuq is lobbying legal? i've tried to find common sense answers, but all i get is that it's so acceptable that it's an industry in itself

  • @neanda
    @neanda 22 години тому

    This is an extremely important video. I hope that more people, especially those in the AI industry and tech industry in general, watch this and understanding what is happening behind the scenes. I had feelings that something like this was going on

  • @neanda
    @neanda 22 години тому

    4:55 "ah fuck" - i actually felt sorry for generation 17 because he thought he had a hope 🤣 i felt his fall from grace

  • @ExtraDor
    @ExtraDor 23 години тому

    They just want to look good pretending to protect us from AI while using it to control people

  • @Simplicity4711
    @Simplicity4711 23 години тому

    Agree, that open source is good for the good of the community/humanity in terms of equal economic chances or technological progress, but you don't at all address the problem how they should regulate AI properly. If it's open source and not regulated, how do you keep misuse of it in rails? If everyone has access to improve it and use it for good, that includes bad actors. I don't say there is no other solution, but hard regulation, but what is your alternative suggestion? Do you have any?

  • @gblenemy
    @gblenemy 23 години тому

    I wouldn't say that it is a lie. It is a theory. And regulating it into not being open source, will not prevent it from happening. It might actually be the other way around.

  • @alexxx4434
    @alexxx4434 23 години тому

    Whether opened or closed AI, it will change modern economy in not necessary pleasant ways.

  • @priyanshipal9077
    @priyanshipal9077 23 години тому

    Please make a video on longtermist effective altruism movement! Would love to know your thoughts on it.

  • @totex1979
    @totex1979 23 години тому

    I've read somewhere that to produce one bottle of coca cola, they use about 34-35 liters of fresh water.

  • @xiaowong6651
    @xiaowong6651 День тому

    4:35 the hell are they talking about - it's in the wrong hands already. The Pandora's box has been opened already

  • @EdLrandom
    @EdLrandom День тому

    I'm so sick of AI grift omg, preach mate!

  • @masterdoyen
    @masterdoyen День тому

    There's so much corruption, false information, and social media platforms/technologies in place that turns us all into mindless zombies. When I was a kid, I used my phone to look up anything and everything I was curious about unlike my little sister who grew up just watching tiktok, youtube, and whatever else never truly questioning anything or using her phone as a source of information. Its time for the people of the world to rise up against our controllers, manipulators, and slavers and reclaim our nations. I'm so sick of the corruption and pain that goes on around the world where evil wins against good because we are too distracted to see what's really going on. Boeing allegedly killing off whistleblowers, friendlyjordies being firebombed when trying to reveal corruption in Australia, war crimes against the Afghani people going unpunished and covered up, and "lobbying" which is really just bribery with a man in the middle.

  • @talhaakram
    @talhaakram День тому

    The most important part of opensource is the freedom to modify and create derivatives, without it products can be free and even have the source code available but they are not truly opensource. They can be better termed as source available.

  • @Akhen.
    @Akhen. День тому

    Im sorry man, i love you, but you are wrong. It IS an existential threat, but not in the way everyone talks about. It is a threat, because a terryfying percentage of university students use chatgpt to pass. You know it. We know it. AI will kill us, because it makes us dumber, and that will only happen more and more often.

  • @CharlesFinneyAdventure
    @CharlesFinneyAdventure День тому

    Please, I need the EA rabbit hole video LFG

  • @vsssa1845
    @vsssa1845 День тому

    absolutely true

  • @tiger_of_kai
    @tiger_of_kai День тому

    Do you not see it? The US is China. The only difference is, you get to speak in the US while in China you don't. Gotta give the US credit for keeping up this facade.

  • @redpandanl5802
    @redpandanl5802 День тому

    Wanna be friends?

  • @WaxPaper
    @WaxPaper День тому

    The only thing we can say for sure is this... If AI can ever be used to drive humanity to extinction, then it willl happen. Whether that's entirely at the direction of the user, or a self-directing AI; it doesn't matter. If it's possible, then someone will deploy it, eventually. Imagine if nuclear weapons only required a few thousand dollars and a few years' worth of knowledge to create. We'd be gone by now. All it takes is one edgy teenager who thinks ending the world sounds like a good idea.

  • @dafff08
    @dafff08 День тому

    if one scenario will lead to a potential extinction, its when ai is only in the hands of a few. imagine a super ai manages to "break free". it will mean theres almost no way to stop it, since all development was behind closed doors and hardly anyone can do something about it. now imagine ai was open source and everyone could develop ai as they pleased. even if someone managed to make a harmful ai, there would be plenty of other people being able to make counter ais or even already made an ai that is specially designed to fight bad ai actors.

  • @kartieer5728
    @kartieer5728 День тому

    This is a fire video

  • @ayesaac
    @ayesaac День тому

    Above all else, ai is not an existential threat because it doesn't fucking exist, and is still nowhere close to existing. LLMs are statistical models using almost the exact same technology as predictive text. They aren't intelligent by any definition of the word.

  • @theonewhobullies
    @theonewhobullies День тому

    never would have imagined Zuck to be the Laama-AI-Gaib in this timeline

    • @117ao
      @117ao День тому


    • @Nulley0
      @Nulley0 21 годину тому

      All hail Zuck-Llama

    • @user-mx6hu9yv6l
      @user-mx6hu9yv6l 21 годину тому

      Apparently Zuck is simply afraid of losing in this competition and so he tries to appeal to the people by making his AI open source. His crimes against privacy and his corporate greed are not forgotten and they are yet to be redeemed.

  • @josuebarboza9809
    @josuebarboza9809 День тому

    You give a false dichotomy. It shouldn't be open source, but it shouldn't be Privately held either. It should be government funded and controlled, aka PUBLIC for the benefit of all. Just like all government services that are available to everyone, are not private, but not one person owns it or abuses it.

  • @UrbanPorcupine
    @UrbanPorcupine День тому

    Thank you for this video. There aren't enough people saying this. Nihilism and pessimism have taken over the world.

  • @cfjlkfsjf
    @cfjlkfsjf День тому

    It's always going to be in the wrong hands. With us? we will fuck things up and be cunts with it. With billionaires? they will force power if they can have AGI and we will have to comply. After it's which the AI is the one in charge and it will be the wrong hands. We are fucked either way. I just hope we can have cures for everything and have some kind of unreal magic sorcery tech that gives us FDVR for video games and movies that the AI makes themselves and you get transported (so to speak) into the movie all around you living out the scenes. But for now a text to video movie prompt would be cool.

  • @aribmahbub1954
    @aribmahbub1954 День тому

    Rabbit holes please.

  • @mateuszwojciak1195
    @mateuszwojciak1195 День тому

    You're a wizard, Harry. Wizard kurwa, do you understand?

  • @foxronyo
    @foxronyo День тому

    AI should be treated like nuclear energy. Just because a small number of people want to make bombs, shouldn't mean that we shouldn't use it for energy production.

  • @capzor
    @capzor День тому

    I wish people who made videos about AI safety actually took the time to understand AI safety. You clearly have not done that. You should try to make arguments and present evidence that existential risk isn't a problem, if that is your position. You haven't presented any actual evidence or compelling arguments which nullify AI existential risks, help solve the alignment or control problems, or anything even close. To do so, you would need to understand AI risk more deeply. Deeper than you do here.

  • @loquatmuncher
    @loquatmuncher День тому

    Could it be that ai is an existential threat and that open source is winning the arms race? In which case it would make sense to regulate it.

  • @TheBswan
    @TheBswan День тому

    LLMs are fundamentally incapable of the kind of AI super-intelligence that poses an existential threat to humanity. If it is possible to create such a technology, it will be unrecognizable to any technology that exists today.OpenAI and others just see an opportunity for regulatory capture via fear-mongering. ChatGPT won't end humanity, but it will make a few people extremely wealthy.

  • @cristianst85
    @cristianst85 День тому

    Just finished reading an interesting paper "The mechanisms of AI hype and its planetary and social costs". It's on Springer on open access.

  • @jmanakajosh9354
    @jmanakajosh9354 День тому

    Before condemning these companies asking for regulation, we should be asking if no regulation is really better.

  • @MrNobody727
    @MrNobody727 День тому

    Micro$haft FireFox SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Google Chrome is much better.

  • @MrNobody727
    @MrNobody727 День тому

    Hello all! I am a Disney representative and I swear that we WE will no longer use those big and ugly eyes in our movie characters! Terms and conditions will still apply though. Thank You for your understanding!

  • @floatingdoor
    @floatingdoor День тому

    More Jews lobbying the US government. Shocking.

  • @paultoensing3126
    @paultoensing3126 День тому

    Fine message. Highly annoying you feel compelled to blur any imagery. Makes me not watch your shitty video.

  • @young9534
    @young9534 День тому

    I'm glad Meta is putting out really good open source models

    • @dan_everyth1ng
      @dan_everyth1ng День тому

      They aren't really open source. Llama models are gated, so you can access source for free, but only with permission from Meta. It is better than proprietary, and currently they are giving out permissions to pretty much everyone who asks, but this could change any moment

  • @JustinMumma
    @JustinMumma День тому

    Can you provide some links to open source AI projects?

    • @VADemon
      @VADemon День тому

      Search for generative AI benchmarks, there will be discussions or comparison tables with links to project sources or licence info

  • @banzaipiegaming
    @banzaipiegaming День тому

    Conclusion: Let everyone have access open source WMDs

  • @pattayaguideorg
    @pattayaguideorg День тому


  • @fakech
    @fakech День тому

    5:51 🙏

  • @lorumipsum1129
    @lorumipsum1129 День тому

    I honestly feel more sorry for ais then the companies fighting over and making them

  • @Machiavelli2pc
    @Machiavelli2pc День тому

    exactly. You’re either for Open sourced AI/AGI, or you’re for *eventual* tyranny. Give me freedom or give me death. The majority of users *will* be good faith actors and good people with net positive intent that will FAR outweigh the bad. Regardless of surface level differences. Open source acts as a natural checks and balances against bad faith users. The alternative is Corporations, governments and other group entities with a subjective outlook on morality that will eventually slope downwards against the people, leading to eventual tyranny. We NEED to understand that open source is for the people. It’s for YOU. ALL OF YOU. Regulation and closed source ends up being for the elite, eventually.

  • @mikemaldanado6015
    @mikemaldanado6015 День тому

    This reminds me of the Halloween leaks from Microsoft in the early 2000's where they essentially admitted the same thing about open source and said linux was far superior to their OS. Some people never learn.I have a good idea for a video, right now it's just a hunch. So in less than 10 years the us won'[t have enough money to pay the interest on it's debt. The us govt is obviously aware of this so imo i think they are trying to start ww3. Just two days ago they signed a bill for 85 billion in support of ukraine, isreal, and taiwan. Now if that isn't the us trying to antagonize all the major super powers i don't know what is. This is all the usa has left, it's clear our run is over. Other countries have already been meeting behind our backs to create a new world currency backed by gold/silver. Over the last few years all the big countries have bought most of the gold available on the market. This was a great video and you opened my eyes on this regulation topic. I thank you for all your selflessness , it is a trait that is going extinct. Finally i wish people would stop calling the LLM's AI, they are NOT in the least. As a computer scientists i don't believe we'll ever actually achieve real AI.